Monday, February 22, 2010


Wendit a tourist who had always known in the city of Malang. Many people who call Mendit. Tourism is known for its water sources and the existence of a monkey-monkey.

Since the renovation and the massive changes in Wendit make visitors booming lately. This is because admission prices are also tourist attractions located in the eastern region of Malang is also quite affordable, compared to other tourist attractions in Malang and surrounding areas. And another advantage is the water used is a water source that continues to flow so as not to use chlorine to make water into fresh.

This tourist location is in the eastern city of Malang, about 5 km on the road heading from the direction of Mixed Blimbing or terminal ARJOSARI.
Existing facilities including a swimming adult / adolescents, the pool of children playing, the current pool, children's games, water balloons, boating, etc. Outbond facilities. And is under construction boom is a water facility.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Batu Night Spectacular (BNS) Review

Location: Jln. Oro-oro Ombo No. 200, Batu Malang
(Located approximately 30 kilometers west of Malang, trips using private vehicles not more than 30 minutes, if traffic conditions are smooth)
Soft Opening: 30 November 2008
Project Investment Value: 16 Billion
Open from 15:00 o'clock to 02:00
(As the name implies, BNS is a family resort that can only be enjoyed at night)
Entrance is very cheap, which is for 10 thousand dollars for each person.
- Food Court
- Stand wares
- Dancing fountain show that is spectacular
- Performing music
- Major 4-dimensional cinema: Film Spectacular displayed on a screen with a width of approximately 60 meters
- Bike air, where visitors had to ride my bike on a path that has the highest point of about 12-13 meters from the surface soil
- Arena Go Karting race
- House lanterns: At cool place for foto2
- Haunted house / Gallery Ghost: Visitors on foot and through dark and winding road to get a lot of surprises inside
- Ghost Train: a unique horror adventure, where visitors will be brought into the dark alleys with boarded the train and are required to shoot a lot of ghosts hanging around and trying to scare
- Cafe Ghost
- Arena entertainment of children with a variety of enjoyable enough game
- Coaster: where the stomach will be shaken by playing the air kesegala
- Karaoke
- Greenhouse

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Vesak (Waisak) celebration at Borobudur

Every year on the full moon in May (or June in leap years), the Indonesian Buddhist Vesak commemorates the Borobudur Temple. Vesak is celebrated as the day of birth, death and the time when Siddhartha Gautama obtain the highest wisdom to become the Buddha Shakyamuni. The third event is called Vesak Trisuci. Vesak ceremony focused on the three Buddhist temples by walking from the Mendut Pawon and ends at Borobudur.

On the night of Vesak, especially during the peak moment of the full moon, Buddhists gathered around Borobudur. At that time, Borobudur is believed to be the gathering place of supernatural power. According to belief, at the time of Vesak, the Buddha will appear in a look at the top of the mountain in the south.

Arsitektur Candi Borobudur

Borobudur temple is located in Magelang, Central Java, about 40 km from Yogyakarta. Borobudur Temple has 10 levels consisting of 6 levels of a square, circular level 3 circular and a main stupa as a peak. At every level there are several stupas. Altogether there are 72 domes in addition to the main stupa. In each there is a statue of Buddhist stupas. Ten levels of Buddhist philosophy which describes the ten levels of Bodhisattva which must pass to reach the perfection of the Buddha in nirvana. This perfection symbolized by the main stupa at the top level. Borobudur structure when viewed from above form a mandala structure depicting Buddhist cosmology and the human thinking.

On the fourth side there is the temple gate and the stairs to the upper level like a pyramid. This illustrates the Buddhist philosophy that all life came from rocks. Stone later became sand, then into plants, then into the insect, then a wild animal and pets, and the last to be human. This process is known as reincarnation. The last process is the soul and finally went into nirvana. Each stage of enlightenment in this life process based on Buddhist philosophy is illustrated in reliefs and statues in the temple of Borobudur.

This huge building just a giant pile of stone blocks which have a total height of 42 meters. Each stone connected without using cement or adhesive. These stones are only connected by patterns and stacked. The base of Borobudur temple is about 118 m on each side. The stones used approximately 55,000 cubic meters. All the stones are taken from the river around the Borobudur Temple. These stones are cut and then transported and connected with a pattern like lego game. All without using glue or cement.

Meanwhile, relief began to be made after these rocks are stacked and connected end. Relief is on the temple walls. Borobudur has different relief 2670. Relief is read clockwise. This relief illustrates a story that I read it starts and ends at the gate to the east. This shows that the main gate of the Borobudur temple facing the east like most other Buddhist temples.

Borobudur History

Borobudur Temple

Borobudur was built around 800 BC or 9th century. Borobudur Temple was built by the Mahayana Buddhists during the reign Sailendra. This temple was built in the heyday of Sailendra dynasty. The founder of the Borobudur Temple King Samaratungga from Sailendra dynasty or dynasties. The possibility of this temple was built around 824 AD and was completed around the year 900 AD in the reign of Queen Pramudawardhani who is the daughter of Samaratungga. While architects who contributed to build this temple according to the story of a hereditary named Gunadharma.
Candi Borobudur
Borobudur own words based on the first written evidence, written by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, Governor General of the United Kingdom in Java, which gives the name of this temple. There is no written evidence that older who named this temple of Borobudur on. The only document that shows the existence of the oldest temple is Nagarakretagama book, written by mpu Prapanca in 1365. In the book was written that this temple was used as a place of Buddhist meditation.
The meaning of the name Borobudur "abbey in the hills", which comes from the word "coal" (temple or monastery) and "beduhur" (hills or high places) in Sanskrit. Therefore, in accordance with the meaning of the name Borobudur, then this place since first used as a place of Buddhist worship.
This temple for centuries no longer used. Then because of volcanic eruptions, most of the buildings covered Borobudur volcanic soil. In addition, the building is covered with trees and shrubs for centuries. Then the building of this temple began in the time-forgotten Islam arrived in Indonesia around the 15th century.
In the year 1814 when the British occupied Indonesia, Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles heard of the discovery of huge archaeological objects in the village of Magelang district Bumisegoro. Because of the great interest of the history of Java, then immediately ordered Raffles HC Cornelius, a Dutch engineer, to investigate the discovery of the location was a hill covered with shrubs.
Cornelius assisted by about 200 men cut down trees and remove shrubs that covered the giant building. Because considering building already fragile and could collapse, then report to the Raffles Cornelius invention includes several images. Since the discovery, Raffles received an award as one who started the restoration of Borobudur and world attention. In 1835, the entire area of the temple has been unearthed. This temple was restored to keep the Dutch colonial period.
After Indonesian independence, in 1956, the Indonesian government requested the assistance of UNESCO to examine the damage to Borobudur. Then in 1963, out of the official Indonesian government's decision to conduct the restoration of Borobudur temple with the help of UNESCO. However, this restoration was only really started to be done on August 10, 1973. The process of restoration was completed in 1984. Since 1991, Borobudur Temple, designated as World Heritage or World Heritage Site by UNESCO.


Everyone must know there are many resorts that can be visited in the town of Batu. But for me and the family's most favorite is the Park East Java. Because there is a place most complete tour ... hood ... hood ... hood. No wonder this place is best visited during Lebaran rame yesterday. Sampe jam thanks to a super-full parking lot.

In Java Park picnic we can teach children about science, biology, history and insight into the archipelago in the Study Gallery and Gallery Ethnic Archipelago. Trus kalo maen who likes water, no water boom is not the same cool water loses another boom. Those who would like a game of extreme rada there are many vehicles that are ready to challenge such as adrenaline, Jet Coaster, Spinning Coaster, Columbus, Drop Zone, and the most brand-nih Flying Tornado (such as the Tornado in Dufan Jakarta). There also Bird Park, Park Fish, Reptile Park and shopping at the animal market, fruit markets and shops souvenirnya.

Park East Java location is not hard to. Nanya aja same mBatu wong, guaranteed to be tau wah .... It's right on the slopes of Mount panderman, kalo gak salah 2 Kartika street, between the hotel and cottage Flower Club Park East Java. Kalo pake think public transport is also not difficult because at the terminal deket Stone City Market.

Oh yes admission now, 30rebu Monday-Thursday, Friday-Sunday and peak seasons are usually more expensive, about 40rebu silver. Children over the age of 1 year've got a ticket ... So lho kalo mo intention picnic with my family there to make the budget had not come up short ntar biar hehehe ... Trus kalo may want to take stock, a snack ..... tapiii aja yaa, in ntar at the entrance we would in "raids". Can not take heavy food such as rice, noodles, lontong, vegetables and side dishes. Probably means I'll not make dirty in the area of East Java Park.

Pokoke maen deh fun there. Shipping maen I can let as much and can nyobain all vehicles, set off early from home because tuh dah window open since at 08.30. Continue sampe maen afternoon at 17:00. Guaranteed regular luaarr tired .... hehehehe. Good roads yaaa ...


In addition to Mount Bromo in Probolinggo were there other tourists visiting the place lho ... you name it Bentar Beach, Port of Tanjung Copper, Madakaripura Waterfall, Lake Ranu Segaran etc ...

Located in Probolinggo approximately 5km. Sightseeing has a beauty that is good enough and have the mangroves.


Sea that offers the beauty and the cool breeze in the morning and evening. This place is suitable for a family gathering to enjoy the beauty of the landscape. oh yes here we can also use a boat tour that we can rent beach circled Probolinggo



Friday, February 19, 2010

Nusa Kambangan island

Nusa Kambangan is the name of an island in Central Java is better known as a place few terletaknya Penitentiary (LP) berkeamanan high in Indonesia. The island was included in the administrative area of Cilacap Regency and recorded in the list of Indonesia's outer islands. To reach this island people have to cross by ferry from a special port in Cilacap for about five minutes. Port of this island ferry named Wijayapura.

Initially there were nine in Nusa Kambangan LP (for prisoners and political prisoners), but is still operating now only four, namely LP Stone (built 1925), LP Iron (built 1929), LP Kembang Kuning (in 1950), and LP Permisan (The oldest, built in 1908). The other five, namely Nirbaya, Karang Tengah, Limus Buntu, Karang Anyar, and Gleger has closed. Areas south of the island directly facing the beach Ocean Indonesia berkarangnya and big waves. Cilacap is facing north and surrounded by fishing villages along the mangrove forests, including Kampung Laut and Jojog.

Nusakambangan residents only convicts and LP employees and their families, under the supervision of the Ministry of Justice and Local Government Cilacap. And out of this island must have special permission to certain procedures. The children of employees in elementary school are available on the island. To continue to the advanced level (junior high, high school, or college), they have to go to school in Cilacap, or other cities in Java.
Kambangan island, the status as a nature reserve, but is often used for military training, is also a habitat for rare trees, but many have been felled in the wild. Currently most of the remaining plants shrubs, palm, and bushes. Pawlar timber that can only be found on this island many stolen because once dried, has a quality equivalent to the wood from Borneo.
Traditionally, the successor to the Sultanate of the Mataram dynasty ritual often done on this island and make it as a "forest ritual". In the western part of the island, in a cave located in the mangrove forest areas, there is a kind of inscription VOC era relic. At the east end, on top of the cliff, stands the lighthouse tower and the small fortress Cimiring Portuguese heritage. Various kinds of typical plants grown Javanese cultural rituals here. Nusa Kambangan was recorded as the last defense of the plants Wijayakusuma true. From this comes the name of this island: Nusa Kembangan, which means "island of flowers".
The main ferry harbor in the Port Sodong Nusakambangan, specifically for transportation purposes and staff families and inmates.


Pasar Terapung Muara Kuin

By witnessing a view, as if the tourists were sightseeing. Canoes laden with merchandise vegetables, fruits, all kinds of fish and other household needs is available in the market afloat. As the sun began to emerge the market gradually began to retreat, the merchants began to leave the floating market with the results obtained with satisfaction.

Floating market atmosphere that is unique and special are jostling between large and small boats to find each other buyers and sellers who are always milling around and always shaky play Barito river waves. Floating market does not have an organization like the market on the mainland, so not recorded how many traders and visitors, or distribution of merchandise bersarkan merchants.

Women traders who sell their products boating alone or neighbors called the hamlet, while the second hand from the hamlet of buying for resale called panyambangan. Keistemewaan market is still common barter transactions between the traders and boating, which in the language called Banjar bapanduk, something unique and rare.
Sightseeing is often regarded as a fantastic attraction, Banjarmasin like Venice in the Eastern world, because they have the potential of river tourism. However different the two cities and natural cultural background. In Banjarmasin still mostly found along the river floating houses called lanting house, which is always shaky play wave.
Regional and Health is a type of settlement is along the river (waterfront village) which has several tourist attractions, either in the form of nature tourism, cultural tourism and cultural tourism. Lives of people close to the river of life as a floating market, the riverside village with its traditional architecture. Lower mudiknya various traditional boats with various loads is an interesting attraction for tourists, even expected to be developed as tourist villages that could be forming the image in the promotion of tourism in South Kalimantan. Still in the same region tourists can also visit Tuan Guru Mosque and Masjid Tuan Guru, Kembang island, islands and island Bakut Surprise. In the craft and Health have also carved to ornament the house of Banjar.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Parangtritis Beach

Parangtritis, is a tourist place of the Indian Ocean coastal beaches are located approximately 25 kilometers south of Yogyakarta city. Parangtritis an object to a well-known tourism in Yogyakarta in addition to other objects such as Samas beach, Baron, Kukup Krakal and Glagah Beach. Parangtritis has unique scenery that is not in the other tourist attractions besides the big waves are also the mountain - the frequency dunes around the coast, these dunes called Gumuk.

This tourism object is managed by the local government of Bantul pretty well, ranging from lodging facilities as well as souvenir markets offering typical South '. In addition there is bathhouse called wedang machete in the bath water is said to cure various diseases including skin diseases, water from the bath containing sulfur from the mountian at these locations. Another location is the beach kusumo machetes on the beach where there is supposedly for a meeting place between the king with a queen jogjakarta southern ocean.

On certain days (usually months suro) here is offering offerings (Labuhan) for the Queen of the South Sea or in the Java language called Nyai Rara Kidul. Locals believe that a person is forbidden to use green colored clothes when they're on this coast. Parangtritis beach into a major tourist visits, especially in the Javanese New Year's Eve (1 sacred / Suro). In Parangtritis there is also horse-drawn carriage or a horse that can be rented for up the coast from east to west.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mpu Tantular Museum

Ex Mpu Tantular  Museum is the history of the development of the Stedelijk museum in Surabaya, founded by Von Vaber from Germany, which now he had become citizens of Surabaya. This building was founded in 1933, and was inaugurated on July 25, 1937 at Jalan Pemuda 33 Surabaya.

The idea of building a museum by Von Vaber to reveal the history of Surabaya city as the birthplace. Cultural Institute presents an ultimately realized in the form of museums.
These efforts pioneered by Von Vaber begins by collecting data systematically as a material book "Old Surabaya" (Surabaya Old). After the book can be published, the next step is writing a book "NEW SURABAYA" (New Surabaya), published in 1933.
In order to maintain the viability of the museum is a museum Mpu Tantular placed under the General Education Foundation. Next comes the initiative to give this museum to the Regional Government of East Java Province. The inauguration took place on 1 November 1974. Next State Museum of East Java is named Mpu Tantular with initial location 3 Surabaya Pemuda street. Since the addition of the collection in mid-September - October 1975 the museum was moved to Jalan Taman Mayangkara 6 Surabaya, the opening on August 12, 1977.
Former museum building consists of two parts of the front (main building) and the back (new building). The main building is used for permanent exhibition which continues at the new building on the ground floor of the East. The top floor is used for space and Space Administration Head Museum.
On the ground floor of new building to the west is used for Conservation Laboratory (preparation) and the Temporary Exhibition Space, while the upper part is used for the library and auditorium.
Former House Museum Mpu Tantular in Surabaya Jl. No. Mayangkara Park. 6 Surabaya, has a strategic location, being between Jalan Raya Darmo and Jalan Diponegoro and the location is opposite the Surabaya zoo.

Surabaya Gov

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Beach tourism Gunung Kidul District

Potential of tourism in Gunungkidul District consists of natural attractions in this beach attractions, forests, mountains and all the uniqueness that has such unique natural Gunungkidul karst area. In District 19 there Gunungkidul a very beautiful beach backed by white sand. Some beaches have been exploited and developed into a tourist attraction among others Baron Beach, Kukup, Krakal, Sundak, Drini, Ngobaran, and Siung.

Coast Wediombo

Wediombo beach is a natural beach with a beautiful panorama, is located in the Village Jepitu Sub Girisubo about 40 KM south east of Wonosari. Bay-shaped beach and gently sloping with white sand, can be viewed openly from the hills and the coast, allowing tourists to enjoy a perfect sunset panorama, but it is also the cool air refreshing beach is believed to help cure asthma.
For Tourists memnacing hobby can be done in this place where at any given moment a lot of fish that appear Panjo along the coast.

One Year at the beach held cultural tradition of ceremonial processions ngalangi catch fish by using gawar made from tree roots that spread as wawar net mounted from the hill Kedungdowok and driven together to the sea by the local community.

In one region to the coast have Gremeng Beach, Beach and Jungwok Kalong Island (an island inhabited by thousands of bats) that can be achieved by tracing around 1.5 KM to the east .

Ngrenehan Beach

Ngrenehan Beach

Located in the Village less Saptosar Kanigoro lebi District 30 KM south of the City Wonosari.

Tourists can watch the activities of fishermen and fish to enjoy fast food or bring fresh fish as souvenirs.

Still in an area with approximately Ngrenehan Beach 1 KM to the west there Ngobaran Beach and Beach Nguyahan.

Every full moon on Nyepi Day at the Beach Ngobaran Melasti ceremony conducted.

Drini Beach

Drini Beach Village is located in Ngestirejo, Sub Tanjungsari approximately 1 KM to the east of the coast long.

The specialty of this beach there is a growing coral island Dirini tree and its wood is said to be used as an antidote to rattlesnake

Sadeng Coast

Sadeng Coast Village is located in the Village Pucung Songbanyu and Girisubo District is about 46 KM from Wonosari, Telaga Suling have believed that the valley once the Solo River estuary Ancient.

This beach is also known as the Fish Landing Base (PPI) is the national standard and is supporting the development of marine fisheries in the province of Yogyakarta.

Wisataan can enjoy a dish of sea fish dishes or fresh fish brought in by the - by an affordable price

Pantai Baron

Baron beach is located in the Village District KEMADANG Tanjungsari about 23 KM south wonosari City, is the first beach that was met by a series of Baron Beach area, Kukup, Throughout, Drini, Krakal and Sundak.

On the beach there is also an underground river that can be used for bathing after playing in the sea. Besides tourists can also enjoy a variety of fresh fish and fast food, affordable prices, including special menus that Baron Beach Snapper Soup.

On the east side can be achieved through a path which is meligkar limestone hill, tourists can rest in the viewing post, air, sipping a refreshing beach.

Approximately 10 KM west from the Beach Baron tedapat Parang Beach Racuk with a towering hill and steep, challenging the courage to adventure and enjoy the beautiful sea around freely from the top of the hill.

In every month of the new year suro Java local fishing communities hold ceremonies marine charity is an expression of gratitude to Almighty God for plentiful crops yan fish and sea fishing safety.


Monday, February 15, 2010

Punai Beach, Lampung

Here you can see photos of Punai Coast. To enlarge, please click the thumbnail
above, the main picture will change according to with his thumbnail. If your internet speed slow, please wait for image sizes average 150kb. Terebut photos made with Nikon D70 and D80.
The following are interesting things about the Beach Punai:
  * Beach Punai may become an attractive destination for you, especially if you are an Indonesian who likes adventure travel smells. This place is situated in the southeast side of the island of Belitung, on the opposite corner of Tanjung Binga. Punai beach is located in the village of Tanjung KELUMPANG. Travel there to within 1.5-2 hours by car from Tanjungpandan. This trip will be interesting if you are interested to see the countryside Belitung. Nearest town is the Hanged, about 35km north of Cape KELUMPANG. This place is still really not built as a tourist destination.
  * Beach white sand here, and in some parts of the stone-decorated by a small granite. This place is not as beautiful as Cape High, but the atmosphere here really quiet, except on weekends, you may be able to see some visitors. In front of the beach there is a small island called Pulau Punai. If the sea water is receding, you can walk into this Punai Island, a formerly popular with many birds pigeon. Desa Tanjung KELUMPANG is the main producer of coconuts. This village is actually a coconut plantation, including the beach Punai. The scene in this place is different from other beaches, although not as beautiful as Tanjung Tinggi.
    * Based on our experience, interesting activities in Côte Punai is fish. Believe me, the fish here is really nice, very different from the bersal fish from elsewhere in the Pacific Islands. Please remember, the best fish is a fish caught while still fresh, the fish caught using Siro. Siro is a fish trap, built by fishermen extends from the coastline to sea with the length and width of approximately 100m x 100m. These traps will lead the fish into the cage and after that the fish can no longer get out of the trap. Fishermen come in the morning to visit Siro to harvest fish that are caught, which is still alive and fresh. Our advice, arrange your travel to arrive in Cape KELUMPANG in the morning and you can go with the fishermen to catch fish in Siro. You'll feel like catching a fish from the aquarium. You just choose fish, crabs, squid as you like. With the arrest this way freshness and flavor of fish completely guaranteed. Only after the arrest should be cooked as soon as possible and the best menus in the cooking trade. We assure you, this experience will not terlupanakn for you.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Burung Mandi (Bird Bath)

Bird Bath, is the name of a mountain in the Northeast Pacific Islands, approximately 18km west Manggar second largest city. Bird Bath is a major tourist destination for Manggar and surrounding communities. This place has been known since the Dutch first established a center of tin mining in the village of Damar, the nearest village from the Bird Bath.
The photos above are some of the corner of sight Bird Bath. Click the small pictures to display the main picture. Other information about the bird bath can be seen in Here are some interesting places worth a visit at the Bird Bath and surrounding areas:
    * Beach Bird Bath. This is a white sandy beach like most Pacific Islands beaches, but the unique you will not find a single granite rock on this beach but only along the white sand beaches and hundreds of sea pines become a barrier between the coast and inland. In the background you see the mountain isa Bird Bath. This makes this beach different, because here is the only beach that has a mountain Billiton in the background. Bird Bath Distance to the airport approximately 70km, can be gone in an hour. There are no hotels in this vicinity, the nearest town is Manggar, 18km away.
    * Bukit Batu. This is a coastal bird in the east of Bath, a beach on the hillside. No there are many white sand, but the contours of the hilly coast makes this place unique. Bukit Batu built by the first magistrate of East Belitung, Basuki T Purnama in the year 2004. Visitors can get a good restaurant with toilet facilities and showers following 2 bungalows built right on the beach to enjoy the scenery around. Bukit Batu is only 2km from the beach Bird Bath.
  * Vihara. This place is known as a place of worship of Chu Kong Fu Billiton's largest, built on a mountainside Bird Bath. From this place, you can look at the sea off the coast around Bird Bath. In every month in February this place packed with pilgrims to worship in commemoration of Chinese New Year. Although this place is a religious place, visitors can come by anytime for a tour.
   * Lake Mempaya. There are hundreds of lakes in East Belitung, but Mempaya lake is one of the widest. The lake is located on the opposite side of the mountain overlooking the Bird Bath beach. Pemandanganya good, with a mountain bird bath in the background. Please note, the lake is Mempaya still not a common vacation destination, there are no tourist facilities in this place. We only recommend this place for visitors who are interested in the field of photography.
If you want to Bird Bath area, we recommend to travel in the morning, especially if you expect to see the sunset, because you will never find a beautiful sunset here, all mengkadap to the East coast. Almost all visitors come to the Bird Bath with a visit to Manggar, the second city in Belitung. Manggar once been the center of tin mining company's activities which was founded by the Dutch. There are several points of interest such Manggar Bukit Serdang Samak and the Coast. You can also find hotels and restaurants are quite good in Manggar.

Teluk Semangka, Lampung

want to tour the beach? Come to the Gulf Coast lips extending from Lampung in South Lampung Kalianda to Bandar Lampung. A bay area with beautiful beaches and then into the Gulf of Watermelon in Tanggamus.

Way hot springs Sulfur, Coast correspondent, Kalianda resort, Laguna Helau, Peacock Belantung, Pasir Putih, Tanjung Selaki, Sand Island, Marina Beach is a tourist resort on the Gulf coast of Lampung in South Lampung region.

There Kalianda Beach Marina and Resort. Marina beach has beautiful scenery with rocks, which form varies. According to folklore, there is a rock called the Rock Hall is where the Prince Cindar Earth receive visitors. This beach is located in District Sidomulyo 43 kilometers from Bandar Lampung, or 22 kilometers from Kalianda. Facilities are available here vary.

Kalianda tourist resort is located 30 kilometers north Bakauheni, 20 kilometers north Kalianda, and 45 kilometers from Bandar Lampung. These areas provide facilities such as adventure tour to Krakatau and surrounding islands of the southern Bay of Lampung, diving on the island of Sebuku, fishing, camping, bungalows, jetsky, disco, cafeteria overlooking the beach, bike rentals, and boat rowing

Friday, February 12, 2010

Rinjani Mountain (LOMBOK)

Mount Rinjani National Park is representative of ecosystem types of low mountain rain forest to high mountains and savannah in Nusa Tenggara.
Potential plant located in Gunung Rinjani National Park, among others jelutung (Laportea stimulant), dedurenan (Aglaia argentea), bayur (Pterospermum javanicum), fig (Ficus benjamina), cashew-jambuan (Syzygium sp.), Keruing (Dipterocarpus hasseltii), rerau (D. imbricatus), eidelweis (Anaphalis javanica), and 2 species of endemic orchids and P. Perisstylus rintjaniensis lombokensis.
In addition there is an endemic species of mammals, ferrets rinjani (Paradoxurus hemaproditus rinjanicus), there are also deer (Muntiacus muntjak nainggolani), ebony leaf monkey (Trachypithecus auratus kohlbruggei), pangolin (Manis javanica), cikukua horn bird (Philemon buceroides neglectus), forest Dawah ( Ducula lacernulata sasakensis), black nape kepudang (Oriolus chinensis broderipii), and several species of reptile.

In the valley west of Mount Rinjani is the Lake Segara Anak (2008 m asl) in which the water smelled of sulfur, the temperature differs from one place to another. Vast lake is about 1100 hectares, a depth between 160 to 230 meters. In the middle of this lake comes the new volcanic mountain that is still active and growing.

Mount Rinjani, which is the third highest mountain in Indonesia (3720 m asl), save the mystery of one of them is about the existence Enjeni Goddess. According to trust the people around, Goddess is the Queen genie Enjeni ruler of Mount Rinjani. They believe that the goddess was born from the marriage Enjeni Sasak people with jinn, beautiful and still berparas descendant of King Selaparang. To honor of the goddess Enjeni, people often hold a religious ceremony on Mount Rinjani and Segara Anak Lake, by releasing small fish made of thin gold to Lake Segara Anak. Some locations / attractions to be visited: Summit of Mount Rinjani. Mountain climbing, camping and enjoying the natural scenery Lombok Island. Segara Anak Lake, and Mount Sebau New. Research, enjoying the natural phenomenon / phenomena of nature, hot springs, bathing, observing animals and exploring the forest. In Mawlood, in Lake Segara Anak is often used as cultural attractions Pakelem (bathe the keris). Hot water bath that smells of sulfur for the treatment (penghalus skin) and waterfalls.
Cultural attractions outside the national parks namely; Topat War in December and January Ciwaratri in Mataram. Season best visit: August to December each year.
How to reach the location:
Mataram - Selong - Sambelia - Sembalun Lawang (140 km) approximately 4.5 hours by car. When you walk to the lake takes time for 9 hours (25 km). Mataram - Bayan - Senaru (82 km) approximately 2.5 hours, walk to the lake during the 9-hour (25 km). Mataram - Bayan - Torean (85 km) approximately 2.5 hours, walk to the lake for 7.5 hours. Mataram - Masbagik - Kutaradja - Tetebatu (60 km) approximately 1.5 hours, Otakkokoq walk for 30 minutes.
Designated: Minister of Forestry, SK 40,000 hectares area No.448/Kpts-II/90 Defined: Minister of Forestry, SK No.280/Kpts-II/1997
Size: 41,330 acres
Location: Kab. West Lombok, East Lombok and East Lombok, Prop.. Nusa Tenggara Barat Rainfall Average: 2000 mm / year
Elevation: 550 to 3726 meters above sea level
Geographical location: 8 ° 18 '- 8 ° 33' S, 116 ° 18 '- 116 ° 32' E

Kelud Volcano Mountain

Kelud Mountain (often called Kelut which means "broom" in Javanese; in Dutch called Klut, Cloot, Kloet, or Kloete) is a volcano in East Java province, Indonesia, which is still active. The mountain is located on the border between Kediri District and Blitar regency, about 27 km east of downtown Kediri.
Kelud activity
Since the 15th century, Kelud victims had eaten more than 15,000 people. This eruption in 1586 claimed more victims than 10,000 inhabitants. [1] A system to divert the flow of lava has been made extensively in 1926 and still functioning until now after the explosion in 1919 took the victim to the thousands of lives in floods sweeping settlement of cold lava population.
In the 20th century, recorded Kelud erupted in 1901, 1919 (May 1 [2]), 1951, 1966, and 1990. In 2007 the mountain was again increased its activity. This pattern brings a volcano expert at the 15-year cycle for this eruption.
This mountain activity increased in late September 2007 and continued until November of that year, marked by increasing the temperature of crater lake water, kegempaan increased tremor, and changes color from green crater lake became cloudy white. Status of "watch out" (highest) issued by the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation since October 16, 2007 which has implications for the population within a radius of 10 km from the mountain (approximately 135,000 inhabitants) who lived on the slopes of the volcano have to evacuate. But the eruption did not happen.
Having had a little subsided, Kelud activity again increased since October 30, 2007 with the rapid increase in temperature of crater lake water and shallow volcanic kegempaan. On November 3, 2007 about 16.00 of the lake water temperature exceeds 74 degrees Celsius, well above the normal symptoms of the eruption of 40 degrees Celsius, causing the temperature gauge broken. Earthquake tremors vibration with large amplitude (more than 35mm) will cause officers to evacuate supervisor, but again does not happen eruption.

As a result of high activity such terjdi new unique phenomenon in history Kelut with white smoke rise from the middle of the lake followed by a dome of lava from the middle of the crater lake since November 5, 2007 and continue to "grow" up to 100m wide size. The experts consider this lava dome that clog channels that magma eruption is not imminent. Energy to be used to encourage the eruption of lava dome eruption in 1990 remains.

Since the incident energy release activity diminished and the November 8, 2007 Kelud status lowered to "standby" (level 3).

Pada lereng Gunung Kelut sejak tahun telah dibuka sarana jalan darat untuk mempermudah para wisatawan serta penduduk sekitar menuju pucak Gunung Kelud. Gunung Kelud juga telah menjadi obyek wisata Kabupaten Kediri

Thursday, February 11, 2010

East Java Province, with capital of Surabaya, has an area of 47,921 km2, is located at 7-8 degrees south latitude and 111-111.5 degrees east longitude. 33,139,000 population (BPS 1990). The tribes who inhabited the area is Java, Madura, Tengger and Osing and several small tribes pandatang.

Mount Bromo tourism object is one that is recognized by domestic and foreign tourists. Seeing the sunrise and watch kawahnya not the only option, because the Mount Bromo (and Mount Semeru) is the center of the Tengger National Park area, which means that there are many more objects which can be seen in the complex.

As a plateau with a beautiful panorama, ever since the colonial era Malang has been known as a resort with the nickname Switzerland of Indonesia and the Paris of East Java. Evidenced by the many beautiful gardens and buildings of European architecture which until now still maintained. The many exciting attractions complete support facilities such as hotels, Travel, Shopping Center, Banks, Souvenir Shop and Craft making as the City of Malang Tourism is ready to serve the activities of domestic and foreign tourism.
Cow in Madura Karapan a pair of cow race by pulling a train named Kleres, tenpat jockeys standing and controlling a pair of cows at the time running race. Participants were bull, brown leather, original Madura. Race held in August to mid October, on Sunday, at 09.00 am. direbutkan cup is rotating President Cup, where the race in District Pamekasan, Madura.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park is in East Java, Indonesia.


The national park is named after its two mountains, Mount Semeru (the highest in Java at 3,676 metres), Mount Bromo (the most popular) and the Tengger people who inhabit the area.

Mount Semeru also known as Mahameru ("Great Mountain"), is one of Indonesia's most active volcanoes. What stands out most about this mountain is the fact that it erupts periodically (and very reliably so). Every 20 minutes or so, the volcano belches out a huge cloud of steam and smoke, sometimes interspersed with ash and stones. Climbing Mount Semeru requires some planning and a permit from the national park authority. The mountain is often closed due to its highly active nature.

Mount Bromo (2,329 metres) is easily recognized as the entire top has been blown off and the crater inside constantly belches white sulphurous smoke. It sits inside the massive Tengger caldera (diameter approximately 10 km), surrounded by the Laut Pasir (Sea of Sand) of fine volcanic sand. The overall effect is unsettlingly unearthly, especially when compared to the lush green valleys all around the caldera.

The major access point is Cemoro Lawang (also Cemara Lawang or Cemora Lawang - blame the East Javanese accent!) at the northeastern edge of the caldera, but there are also trails from Tosari (northwest) and Ngadas (southwest). The village of Ngadisari, on the road from Probolinggo about 5.5 km before Cemoro Lawang, marks the entrance to the national park. Both Cemoro Lawang and Ngadisari are rather picturesque, with brightly-painted houses and flower beds outside.

The Tenggerese

Roro Anteng and Joko Seger

Javanese folklore has it that during the 15th century, Princess Roro Anteng (daughter of the Majapahit King Brawijaya) and her husband Joko Seger fled marauding Islamic forces and ended up in safety at Mount Bromo. Here they developed a new kingdom and named it Teng-ger using parts of their respective surnames.

The Kingdom of Tengger prospered and their religion flourished but the royal couple were unable to produce an heir to the throne. In desperation they prayed and meditated on Bromo for many days before the crater opened and the almighty god Hyang Widi Wasa announced that they would be given children with the condition that the last borne was to be sacrifcied back to the mountain.

No less than 25 children were produced but many years later Roro and Joko broke the condition and refused to sacrifice their last borne, Prince Kesuma. A dreadful eruption of Bromo followed and swallowed Kesuma into the crater. To appease the great God, Kesuma's brothers and sisters held an offering ceremony at the crater once every year and this still happens today - the Upacara Kasada held on the full moon of the 12th month (Kasada) of the Tenggerese calendar.

The area in and around the park is inhabited by the Tenggerese, one of the few significant Hindu communities left on the island of Java. The local religion is a remnant from the Majapahit era and therefore quite similar to that on Bali but with even more animist elements. The Tenggerese are believed to be descendents of the Majapahit prices and were driven into the hills after mass arrivals in the area of devoutly Muslim Madurese in the 19th century. These Madurese immigrants were labourers working for Dutch coffee plantation owners and the native Hindu people of the region soon found themselves outnumbered and either converted to Islam or fled to the inhospitable high mountain tops where they remain today.

The religion is quite low key though (certainly when compared to Bali) with the most visible manifestation of faith being the rather austere Poten temple in the sea of sand. The Tenggerese number about 600,000 and they reside in 30 villages scattered in and around the park with smaller communities elsewhere in East Java.

For many visitors, the sight of the angular-faced, sunburned, moustachioed Tenggerese wrapped in poncho-like blankets, trotting about on ponies with craggy mountains as the backdrop, more resembles Peru than Indonesia!

Official Tourism Offices

  • East Java Tourism Office, Jalan Wisata Menanggal, Surabaya, East Java, +62 31 8531815 or 8531820 ().
  • East Java Tourism Office, Jl Jendral Basuki Rachmat 6, Malang, East Java, +62 341 323966.