Friday, February 12, 2010

Rinjani Mountain (LOMBOK)

Mount Rinjani National Park is representative of ecosystem types of low mountain rain forest to high mountains and savannah in Nusa Tenggara.
Potential plant located in Gunung Rinjani National Park, among others jelutung (Laportea stimulant), dedurenan (Aglaia argentea), bayur (Pterospermum javanicum), fig (Ficus benjamina), cashew-jambuan (Syzygium sp.), Keruing (Dipterocarpus hasseltii), rerau (D. imbricatus), eidelweis (Anaphalis javanica), and 2 species of endemic orchids and P. Perisstylus rintjaniensis lombokensis.
In addition there is an endemic species of mammals, ferrets rinjani (Paradoxurus hemaproditus rinjanicus), there are also deer (Muntiacus muntjak nainggolani), ebony leaf monkey (Trachypithecus auratus kohlbruggei), pangolin (Manis javanica), cikukua horn bird (Philemon buceroides neglectus), forest Dawah ( Ducula lacernulata sasakensis), black nape kepudang (Oriolus chinensis broderipii), and several species of reptile.

In the valley west of Mount Rinjani is the Lake Segara Anak (2008 m asl) in which the water smelled of sulfur, the temperature differs from one place to another. Vast lake is about 1100 hectares, a depth between 160 to 230 meters. In the middle of this lake comes the new volcanic mountain that is still active and growing.

Mount Rinjani, which is the third highest mountain in Indonesia (3720 m asl), save the mystery of one of them is about the existence Enjeni Goddess. According to trust the people around, Goddess is the Queen genie Enjeni ruler of Mount Rinjani. They believe that the goddess was born from the marriage Enjeni Sasak people with jinn, beautiful and still berparas descendant of King Selaparang. To honor of the goddess Enjeni, people often hold a religious ceremony on Mount Rinjani and Segara Anak Lake, by releasing small fish made of thin gold to Lake Segara Anak. Some locations / attractions to be visited: Summit of Mount Rinjani. Mountain climbing, camping and enjoying the natural scenery Lombok Island. Segara Anak Lake, and Mount Sebau New. Research, enjoying the natural phenomenon / phenomena of nature, hot springs, bathing, observing animals and exploring the forest. In Mawlood, in Lake Segara Anak is often used as cultural attractions Pakelem (bathe the keris). Hot water bath that smells of sulfur for the treatment (penghalus skin) and waterfalls.
Cultural attractions outside the national parks namely; Topat War in December and January Ciwaratri in Mataram. Season best visit: August to December each year.
How to reach the location:
Mataram - Selong - Sambelia - Sembalun Lawang (140 km) approximately 4.5 hours by car. When you walk to the lake takes time for 9 hours (25 km). Mataram - Bayan - Senaru (82 km) approximately 2.5 hours, walk to the lake during the 9-hour (25 km). Mataram - Bayan - Torean (85 km) approximately 2.5 hours, walk to the lake for 7.5 hours. Mataram - Masbagik - Kutaradja - Tetebatu (60 km) approximately 1.5 hours, Otakkokoq walk for 30 minutes.
Designated: Minister of Forestry, SK 40,000 hectares area No.448/Kpts-II/90 Defined: Minister of Forestry, SK No.280/Kpts-II/1997
Size: 41,330 acres
Location: Kab. West Lombok, East Lombok and East Lombok, Prop.. Nusa Tenggara Barat Rainfall Average: 2000 mm / year
Elevation: 550 to 3726 meters above sea level
Geographical location: 8 ° 18 '- 8 ° 33' S, 116 ° 18 '- 116 ° 32' E

Kelud Volcano Mountain

Kelud Mountain (often called Kelut which means "broom" in Javanese; in Dutch called Klut, Cloot, Kloet, or Kloete) is a volcano in East Java province, Indonesia, which is still active. The mountain is located on the border between Kediri District and Blitar regency, about 27 km east of downtown Kediri.
Kelud activity
Since the 15th century, Kelud victims had eaten more than 15,000 people. This eruption in 1586 claimed more victims than 10,000 inhabitants. [1] A system to divert the flow of lava has been made extensively in 1926 and still functioning until now after the explosion in 1919 took the victim to the thousands of lives in floods sweeping settlement of cold lava population.
In the 20th century, recorded Kelud erupted in 1901, 1919 (May 1 [2]), 1951, 1966, and 1990. In 2007 the mountain was again increased its activity. This pattern brings a volcano expert at the 15-year cycle for this eruption.
This mountain activity increased in late September 2007 and continued until November of that year, marked by increasing the temperature of crater lake water, kegempaan increased tremor, and changes color from green crater lake became cloudy white. Status of "watch out" (highest) issued by the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation since October 16, 2007 which has implications for the population within a radius of 10 km from the mountain (approximately 135,000 inhabitants) who lived on the slopes of the volcano have to evacuate. But the eruption did not happen.
Having had a little subsided, Kelud activity again increased since October 30, 2007 with the rapid increase in temperature of crater lake water and shallow volcanic kegempaan. On November 3, 2007 about 16.00 of the lake water temperature exceeds 74 degrees Celsius, well above the normal symptoms of the eruption of 40 degrees Celsius, causing the temperature gauge broken. Earthquake tremors vibration with large amplitude (more than 35mm) will cause officers to evacuate supervisor, but again does not happen eruption.

As a result of high activity such terjdi new unique phenomenon in history Kelut with white smoke rise from the middle of the lake followed by a dome of lava from the middle of the crater lake since November 5, 2007 and continue to "grow" up to 100m wide size. The experts consider this lava dome that clog channels that magma eruption is not imminent. Energy to be used to encourage the eruption of lava dome eruption in 1990 remains.

Since the incident energy release activity diminished and the November 8, 2007 Kelud status lowered to "standby" (level 3).

Pada lereng Gunung Kelut sejak tahun telah dibuka sarana jalan darat untuk mempermudah para wisatawan serta penduduk sekitar menuju pucak Gunung Kelud. Gunung Kelud juga telah menjadi obyek wisata Kabupaten Kediri